30 March 2016

News: Free Content from Springer

[Update 31 March: Springer's content is now once again behind a paywall!]

While preparing my last post on health, I noticed that every article in a journal published by Springer was freely available. So I just tried a general search of Springer's web site and it appears that *all* content is currently downloadable. It may be a fluke or a marketing strategy, but regardless, it will likely be short-term!

Here are a few books and book chapters published in 2016 that can be freely downloaded at this time:

Assessing the Social Impact of Development Projects: Experience in India and Other Asian Countries [access]

"Caught in the Crossfire: The Impact of Foreign Fighters on Internally Displaced Persons, Asylum Seekers and Refugees from Syria and Iraq," Chapter in Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond [access]

"European Case Law on Asylum Matters: Interrelation and Interdependence of the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union," Chapter in New Europe - Old Values? [access]

The Language of Asylum: Refugees and Discourse [access]

The Lhotsampa People of Bhutan: Resilience and Survival [access]

"Non-refoulement in International Refugee Law, Human Rights Law and Asylum Laws," Chapter in From Cold War to Cyber War [access]

"Resettlement Strategies: For Better or for Worse," Chapter in Development Strategies and Inter-Group Violence [access]

Give it a try!

Tagged Publications.

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